Intermediary Services
Triangle Intermediaries are communication specialists who work on behalf of HMCTS to support people during family court or criminal court proceedings.
Triangle training is at the forefront of developing truly child-centred practice. We deliver our range of courses across the UK.
Investigative Interviewing
We have an expert team of forensic interviewers available to conduct ABE interviews with children, young and vulnerable people up to the age of 65.
Specialist Support
Triangle provides a unique and flexible range of services for children and young people with concerning behaviours, including sexually concerning behaviours.
Triangle supports children and young people to express their views about the things that matter to them.
Triangle Consultation
All of Triangle’s own work involves disabled children and young people, and we rely on the views of our consultative groups to take our own work forward.
The Purple Room - Live Link Suite
In 2022 we launched The Purple Room, Triangle's very own Live Link suite to enable young and vulnerable people to give their evidence from our welcoming; inclusive space.
Therapy and other services
Triangle offers other specialist services - read here about our Therapy Services and Expert Opinion work.