Triangle are excited to welcome back Jessie Fuller

Jessie is a therapist specialising in working with children and young people. Jessie’s core training is in Art Psychotherapy and EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing).

Since beginning to train as a therapist 14 years ago Jessie has worked in a domestic abuse charity, primary and secondary schools with young carers, a further education college for young people with disabilities, CAMHS and Triangle. Prior to this Jessie worked therapeutically in a variety of settings including an inpatient mental health service for deaf children and young people, a residential service for children with acquired head injury, a practitioner in a nursery setting and as an individual needs assistant for a visually impaired child.

Jessie works with the child/young person to co-create a safe therapeutic space and relationship in which they can explore and express themselves and their challenges in a way that makes sense to them. Jessie has found that integrating creativity with EMDR therapy can be an effective way of bringing about positive change. 

EMDR is an approach that can help people make sense of traumatic, challenging or frightening experiences without having to go into detail about what has happened. It helps work through overwhelming emotions and unhelpful memories that are a challenge to think about. Sometimes upsetting memories stay stuck and unprocessed; EMDR therapy uses back-and-forth movements such as side to side eye movements, tapping hands alternately, using buzzers or listening to sounds to unstick the stuck memories. The memories are then processed and stored away in the brain in a more helpful way where the emotional charge has lessened, enabling the child/young person to function more fully in everyday life.

Please contact triangle for more information.